
What is KMyRadio?
What do I need to run KMyRadio?
Screen Shots
How do I Compile/Install it?
Contacting the author


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  • May 31st, 2004 - KMyRadio 0.95 coming soon
    Finally a new version of KMyRadio. Come back soon for more details.

  • September 29th, 2001 - KMyRadio 0.6 is released
    Version 0.6 adds recording capabilities to KMyRadio. To record WAV files you must have the "SoX" package installed. To record MP3s, you will need either Lame, or Bladeenc. Check the README file for other important notes. You can also check out the ChangeLog.

  • August 19th, 2001 - KMyRadio 0.5.1
    The compile problem appears to be fixed in version 0.5.1. Check the downloads section to download the update.

  • August 15th, 2001 - Compile Problem in KMyRadio 0.5.
    I've gotten some emails about a compile error in radiotuner.cpp line 130. I have not determined the cause yet. The compiler is complaining that HAVE_TUNE_CAP is undeclared even though it is. Although I don't know the cause, I did make a change to the function in which the error occurs. Download KMyRadio 0.5.1 from the Downloads section to see if this change makes a difference. If it does (or doesn't), please let me know.

    Also, I am trying to learn how to make binary RPM and DEB packages. As soon as I figure that out, they will be available for download.

  • August 12th, 2001 - KMyRadio 0.5 is released.
    Fixed some bugs, including one that prevented audio output if you were using a 2.4.x kernel. Removed lots of debug messages that were written to stdout. Added keyboard shortcuts for most functions.

  • April 19th, 2001 - KMyRadio 0.2 is released.

What is KMyRadio?

KMyRadio is a program you can use to control a radio tuner attached to your computer. There are many TV/Radio cards on the market and most of them should work with KMyRadio. This program uses the Video4Linux API to control your card, so any card supported by V4L should work fine.

What do I need to run KMyRadio?

KMyRadio requires very few resources. It has been tested on a 486/100 w/ 16 MB RAM and works great.
  • A PC Running Linux. (Kernel 2.2.x or 2.4.x recommended, 2.0.x has not been tested.)
  • X (Tested with XFree86 3.3.6 and 4.0.1)
  • KDE 2.0 or greater (Will NOT work AT ALL with KDE 1.x)
  • Video4Linux driver module for your radio card. (included with 2.2.x Kernels)

KMyRadio may work with other combinations of OS/X/KDE try downloading the source. The following libraries are required to compile.

  • Qt 2.2.x (tested with 2.2.4)
  • KDE 2 Libraries (tested with 2.1 and 2.2)


Features for the current version 0.6
  • Tunes FM radio frequencies (87.5 MHz to 108 MHz)
  • 3 banks of 6 Presets
  • Each frequency can have a description which is shown above the frequency display.
  • All colors and fonts are configurable.
  • Volume Control can be linked to any mixer setting, or control the built-in volume control of your card.
  • Keyboard shortcuts for most functions:
    • Up/Down Arrows change frequency.
    • Left/Right Arrows Decrease/Increase Volume.
    • 1-6 go to preset x where x is the number of the key you pressed.
    • Spacebar cycles through preset banks.
  • Can record radio output to WAV or MP3 files.
Features to be added soon
  • Add an "Info" tab to the settings dialog to display detailed information about your radio device.
  • Add "Scan forward" and "Scan Backward" buttons to search for stations.
  • Add a reception strength meter.
  • Ogg Vorbis support.

Screen Shots

This is the KMyRadio Interface.

Recording Status Window

The KMyRadio Settings dialog (Appearance Settings)

The KMyRadio Settings dialog (General Settings)

The KMyRadio Settings dialog (Recording Settings)

Here is a full screen shot of KMyRadio running on my PC. Click the picture below to view the picture full size (1280x1024)


Current Version

kmyradio-0.7.tar.gz Source tarball

Previous Versions

kmyradio-0.6.tar.gz Source tarball
kmyradio-0.5.1.tar.gz Source tarball
kmyradio-0.5.tar.gz Source tarball
kmyradio-0.2.tar.gz Source tarball
kmyradio-0.1.tar.gz Source tarball

How do I Compile/Install?

Compiling the source tarball

Become root Change to the directory where you normally install source tarballs.
   tar -xvzf /path/to/tarball/kmyradio-0.6.tar.gz
   cd kmyradio-0.6
   make install
For instance, if your username were "mokeski", you downloaded the source tarball to your home directory, and you install source tarballs to /usr/local/src you would do the following.

Become root (use su or log in as root)
   cd /usr/local/src
   tar -xvzf /home/mokeski/kmyradio-0.6.tar.gz
   cd kmyradio-0.6
   make install
Installing the RPM package
  1. Become root
  2. Run "rpm -ivh kmyradio-0.6-1.i386.rpm"
This is the first time I have ever built an RPM package. All I know is that it works on my machine. (Redhat 7.1, KDE installed in /usr)


Bug reports, comments, and suggestions are welcome, send me an email!

Chuck Ross

Copyright ©2001-2004 Chuck Ross